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2022 Tabloid Witch Awards

Contact: Send email to editor at hollywoodinvestigator dot com

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Special "Best Of" Screenings

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2009 World Horror Convention

2015 World Horror Convention


Tabloid Witch Awards

Horror Film Aesthetics

Horror Film Festivals

Hollywood Investigator

Communist Vampires



The 2022 winners are listed below. Read more about them at the Hollywood Investigator.



2022 Tabloid Witch Award Winners


* Best Horror Feature Film .......................... Timothy Stevens (The Ghost Lights)

* Best Horror Documentary ........................ Joe O'Connell (Rondo and Bob)

* Best Dramatic Horror Short Film .............. Alan Chung-An Ou & Chun-Ling Wan (Part Forever)

* Best Comedic Horror Short Film .............. Marc Velasco (Annita and Every Child Deserves a Family)

* Best Animated Horror Film ........................ Joe Dearman (To Raise Her Spirits)

* Best Avante-Garde Horror Film ................. Matthias Simonet (Melusine)

* Best Trash Horror Film .............................. James Dimitratos (Pretty Creepy Dolls)

* Best Horror Web Series ............................ Uisdean Murray & Bryn Owen (Demonologist for Hire)

* Best Horror Music Video ........................... Erin Hill (Eleanor Rigby)

* Best Dramatic Actress .............................. Ming Yang (Part Forever)

* Best Dramatic Actor .................................. Billy Blair (The Ghost Lights)

* Best Comedic Actress .............................. Steph Barkley (Bigfoot Famous)

* Best Comedic Actor .................................. John R. Smith Jnr (The Woodsman)

* Best Cinematography ............................... John DeFazio (The Darkness of the Road)

* Best Sound Design ................................... Turlough O'Cinneide (The Cathedral)

* Best Editing ............................................... Paul Ferdenzi (A Killer Outside)

* Best Production Design ............................ Rene Rivas (Judy)

* Best Visual Effects .................................... John R. McConnell (Book)

* Best Make-Up Effects ............................... Chelsea Paige (Book)

* Best Music Soundtrack ............................. Mike Prieto (Blue)

* Honorable Mention ................................... Eric Swiz & Roger Casey (Book)

* Honorable Mention ................................... Madeleine Coghlan (Defibrillator)

* Honorable Mention ................................... Joe Zalias (A Killer Outside)

* Honorable Mention ................................... Tim True (Miss Mary Mack)

* Official Selection ....................................... Jesse James Hennessy (13 Callaway Place)

* Official Selection ....................................... Rafael De Leon Jr. (Caregiver)

* Official Selection ....................................... Mark J. Parker (Twin)



What Does It Take to Win a Tabloid Witch?


Check out 2022's Best Trash Horror Film winner, Pretty Creey Dolls:




Check out 2022's Best Horror Web Series winner, Demonologost for Hire:




Check out 2022's Best Horror Music Video winner, Eleanor Rigby:




Gallery of Winners









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