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2013 Tabloid Witch Awards

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The 2013 winning films were announced in the Hollywood Investigator on October 4, 2013. Here they are again:




2013 Tabloid Witch Award Winners



* Best Horror Feature Film ...................... Paulo Biscaia Filho  (Nervo Craniano Zero)

* Best Dramatic Horror Short Film ........... Raúl Cerezo  (8, aka Eight, aka Ocho)

* Best Comedic Horror Short Film ........... Angus Swantee & Craig Gunn  (Torturous)

* Best Avant-Garde Horror Short Film ..... Gracie Hagen & Patrick Loy  (I Am Ana)

* Best Actress .......................................... Guenia Lemos  (Nervo Craniano Zero)

* Best Actor .............................................. David Tenenbaum  (Tympanum)

* Best Supporting Actress ........................ Marietta Marich (House of Good and Evil)

* Best Supporting Actor ............................ Lee J. Higgs & Greg Tanner  (The Legend of the 5ive)

* Best Cinematography ............................ Ignacio Aguilar  (8, aka Eight, aka Ocho)

* Best Sound ............................................ Tim Sloan  (Tympanum)

* Best Editing ............................................ Paulo Biscaia Filho  (Nervo Craniano Zero)

* Best Art Direction .................................... Paulo Vinícius  (Nervo Craniano Zero)

* Best Visual Effects .................................. Cullen Wright  (Tympanum)

* Best Make-Up Effects ............................. Magnus Pereira Lobo & Marcelino de Miranda  (Nervo Craniano Zero)

* Best Music Soundtrack ........................... Luciano Onetti  (Sonno Profondo)


* Honorable Mention ................................. Jason Thomas Scott & Shannon Corder  (Tympanum)

* Honorable Mention ................................. Eric Morgret & K.L. Young  (The Shunned House)

* Honorable Mention ................................. Eitan Gafny  (Cannon Fodder)

* Honorable Mention ................................. Robert Emfield  (Malevolent)



What Does It Take to Win a Tabloid Witch?



Check out 2013's Best Comedic Horror Short Film, Torturous:





Check out 2013's Best Avant-Garde Horror Short Film, I Am Ana:




Award Presentation in Brazil

Paulo Biscaia Filho, writer/director of Nervo Craniano Zero, presents his fellow Tabloid Witch Award winners with their plaques in Brazil:


Entrega dos Tabloid Witch Awards para Nervo Craniano Zero no final da apresentação de "Marlon Brando, Whiskey..." from Vigor Mortis on Vimeo.



Gallery of Winners









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